
Company offers tuition reimbursement but denied mine because there is no degree that fits my career

So I work in a office setting and for the past two years the company always mentions there tuition reimbursement as one of their great benefits. Last Thursday I applied after getting accepted into college for a Bachelors in Information Technology. After submitting my boss sends a message saying he was excited and would submit to HR ASAP!! Friday I get a email saying my application was denied. I went to the office HR rep to see if maybe I did something wrong she went in her computer and after looking at the screen for like a minute she said I was denied because my degree does not aline with my current job. In the past two years never was it mentioned I had to pick a degree related to my field. I asked why this wasn’t said before hand or why it wasn’t in writing. She said she dint…

So I work in a office setting and for the past two years the company always mentions there tuition reimbursement as one of their great benefits. Last Thursday I applied after getting accepted into college for a Bachelors in Information Technology. After submitting my boss sends a message saying he was excited and would submit to HR ASAP!! Friday I get a email saying my application was denied. I went to the office HR rep to see if maybe I did something wrong she went in her computer and after looking at the screen for like a minute she said I was denied because my degree does not aline with my current job. In the past two years never was it mentioned I had to pick a degree related to my field. I asked why this wasn’t said before hand or why it wasn’t in writing. She said she dint know why but it’s company policy. After speaking with some coworkers who they convinced me to ask what degree the company would accept. So I send an email today and the HR rep comes to desk and says that unfortunately she could not find a degree that would fit with my career. I then asked what was the point of tuition reimbursement if it’s only for to advance in your specific job. They won’t even cover a business degree which I would think would apply to my job or maybe even finance since I work with checks. She just nodded. I was so mad because I was really depending on that money. She suggested I apply to work in the IT department. But the kicker is I need a degree for any IT position. Sorry if this isn’t well written I’m just so mad right now. I thought I finally had a way to pay for my degree without going into debt. I work for payment processing company. I’ll i do is put check amounts into a screen nothing special. The company offers 20k a year for tuition reimbursement. Companies like this just offer fake benefits to get people in the door but when it comes to finally pay out they find any way to get out of it. Idk what to do at this point. I have phone meeting the head of HR on Tuesday but I don’t see it going my way. This is just so frustrating. This is why we need a union.

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