
Time Off Policy

My boss and I have been at odds with each other over my time off requests. Our companies policy states that we must give 2 weeks notice for PTO. However, since I'm a person, things have only come up within that 2 week period. I am not asking for every other day off or doing it last minute, I ask for about 1 day off a month and it is often 3-7 days notice that I give. I have given 13 days notice twice and her response has still included that I'm breaking policy and need to adhere to the policy. I am a receptionist and someone needs to cover the front desk when I'm gone. That is the case whether it's 2 weeks or 2 days, and the person covering the front desk would not change if additional time is given. I believe she does all this because she…

My boss and I have been at odds with each other over my time off requests.

Our companies policy states that we must give 2 weeks notice for PTO. However, since I'm a person, things have only come up within that 2 week period. I am not asking for every other day off or doing it last minute, I ask for about 1 day off a month and it is often 3-7 days notice that I give. I have given 13 days notice twice and her response has still included that I'm breaking policy and need to adhere to the policy. I am a receptionist and someone needs to cover the front desk when I'm gone. That is the case whether it's 2 weeks or 2 days, and the person covering the front desk would not change if additional time is given.

I believe she does all this because she is a 'company first' driven person. The company is right all the time and anyone who doesn't follow procedure is attacking her personally.

Well, yesterday I found out I need to take Monday off. I send in a request, and she replies saying that I've 'breached policy' again and that if this happens again then she can and will decline requests in the future. I am about to blow a gasget this makes me so mad. I give plenty of notice all the time, just not the policy amount of notice.

Does anyone have any advice on how to respond to that email? I know I can't respond with a level head right now

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