
Timing peoples bathroom breaks should be illegal

That's pretty self explanatory really. I think its deeply unethical and immoral. I used to work at this otherwise quite nice call center for a big company. Not even talking about the absolutely horrific feeling of having this palpable feeling of being simply a gear in a machine. Since they treat people exactly like machines.. with little color of pretend humanity and smiley stickers on stuff maybe. But its all fake and its all for money. Anyway i remember we had a total of 30mins for lunch break and 30mins for all other breaks for 8 hour shifts.. oh and bathroom breaks were coded “biobreaks” and also were included under the 30mins for 8 hour day, AMONG OTHER BREAKS. Especially at a job that makes you wanna rip your own or someone elses hair out. Its absurd and inhumane (Along with so, So much else with corporations and capitalism).

That's pretty self explanatory really. I think its deeply unethical and immoral. I used to work at this otherwise quite nice call center for a big company. Not even talking about the absolutely horrific feeling of having this palpable feeling of being simply a gear in a machine. Since they treat people exactly like machines.. with little color of pretend humanity and smiley stickers on stuff maybe. But its all fake and its all for money.

Anyway i remember we had a total of 30mins for lunch break and 30mins for all other breaks for 8 hour shifts.. oh and bathroom breaks were coded “biobreaks” and also were included under the 30mins for 8 hour day, AMONG OTHER BREAKS. Especially at a job that makes you wanna rip your own or someone elses hair out. Its absurd and inhumane (Along with so, So much else with corporations and capitalism).

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