
Tip: if you’re in a union shop, you gain nothing by broadcasting to the entire shop that you’re quitting

Coworker of mine is pissed off and quitting for what he thinks is a greener pasture. It’s more money, but it’s also 10x more work. He’s never been in a union environment quite like ours. Our pay and benefits are collectively bargained, no one gets more or less. Part of him still thinks going above and beyond for supervisors will get him extra brownie points, when in reality it just gets him more work to do. He got burned on attendance points and now faces a verbal warning. He thinks it’s complete BS and immediately interviewed for higher paying competitors. He’s been super vocal about it for a week now, and I don’t know what he expects us to do. I think he expected us to be sad about him leaving and try to convince him to stay. Life will go on without him. The company will not give him…

Coworker of mine is pissed off and quitting for what he thinks is a greener pasture. It’s more money, but it’s also 10x more work. He’s never been in a union environment quite like ours. Our pay and benefits are collectively bargained, no one gets more or less. Part of him still thinks going above and beyond for supervisors will get him extra brownie points, when in reality it just gets him more work to do.

He got burned on attendance points and now faces a verbal warning. He thinks it’s complete BS and immediately interviewed for higher paying competitors. He’s been super vocal about it for a week now, and I don’t know what he expects us to do. I think he expected us to be sad about him leaving and try to convince him to stay. Life will go on without him. The company will not give him extra money or vacation days. He’s alienated himself from the group and made things awkward because he just looks defeated.

It sucks to work your ass off for a company only for them to spit in your face. But in the position we are in, you either take your lumps or you quit.

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