
Tipping Ends January 1st 2023

Hello Reddit community, I am starting a movement to advocate for fair pay for waiters and other service industry workers. As many of you may know, waiters and other service industry workers often rely on tips as a significant portion of their income. However, this system is inherently flawed and often results in underpaid and exploited workers. According to research, tipped workers are twice as likely to live in poverty as non-tipped workers (1). This is because the federal minimum wage for tipped workers is just $2.13 per hour, a rate that has not increased in over 30 years (2). This means that many waiters and other service industry workers are forced to rely on the generosity of customers to make a living wage. Furthermore, the tipped wage system disproportionately affects women and people of color, who make up a disproportionate share of tipped workers (3). This creates a significant…

Hello Reddit community,

I am starting a movement to advocate for fair pay for waiters and other service industry workers. As many of you may know, waiters and other service industry workers often rely on tips as a significant portion of their income. However, this system is inherently flawed and often results in underpaid and exploited workers.

According to research, tipped workers are twice as likely to live in poverty as non-tipped workers (1). This is because the federal minimum wage for tipped workers is just $2.13 per hour, a rate that has not increased in over 30 years (2). This means that many waiters and other service industry workers are forced to rely on the generosity of customers to make a living wage.

Furthermore, the tipped wage system disproportionately affects women and people of color, who make up a disproportionate share of tipped workers (3). This creates a significant pay gap and exacerbates systemic inequalities.

It is time for a change. I believe that all workers, including waiters and other service industry workers, deserve to be fairly compensated for their hard work. That is why I am starting a movement to advocate for fair pay for these workers, rather than a tipped wage system.

Starting January 1st 2023 I am longer tipping anywhere or anyone. So let’s all agree that we will no longer support a failed system that only serves to take advantage of us. If we all come together and do this we can end tipping for good.

If you agree that all workers deserve fair pay, please join me in this movement. Together, we can advocate for change and ensure that waiters and other service industry workers are fairly compensated for their hard work.


“Tipped Over the Edge: Gender, Race, and the Minimum Wage” (National Women's Law Center, 2017):
“Tipped Minimum Wage: The History and Consequences of a Flawed Policy” (Economic Policy Institute, 2018):
“Tipped Over the Edge: Race and Gender in the U.S. Tipped Minimum Wage System” (Restaurant Opportunities Centers United, 2017):

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