
Tips Please

I need to talk/rant about this. I don't know if this is the right sub to post this in, but here goes. So I know this trend has been doing on recently based on, well, hearing it from places like here at antiwork but I'm starting to see it more and more lately and I'm kind of tired of it. Tips are supposed to go to people in specific less-than-minimum wage positions like servers but for “some reason” (we know the reason) – it seems like subway seems to think that their “sandwich artist” needs to be tipped. It's not just Subway because I'm seeing it at more and more fast food places (Sonics being another I frequent). NO THEY FUCKING DON'T! PAY YOUR GOD DAMN EMPLOYEES! What infuriates me most is that not only are they raising their prices (so they can blame it on inflation) and not only…

I need to talk/rant about this. I don't know if this is the right sub to post this in, but here goes.

So I know this trend has been doing on recently based on, well, hearing it from places like here at antiwork but I'm starting to see it more and more lately and I'm kind of tired of it.

Tips are supposed to go to people in specific less-than-minimum wage positions like servers but for “some reason” (we know the reason) – it seems like subway seems to think that their “sandwich artist” needs to be tipped. It's not just Subway because I'm seeing it at more and more fast food places (Sonics being another I frequent).


What infuriates me most is that not only are they raising their prices (so they can blame it on inflation) and not only are they not giving raises to their employees but they're doing both AND expecting me to give more to their employees so they don't have to.

I don't tip if no waiter is involved (which I also shouldn't have to do because they should be paid a fair wage as well) and I feel TERRIBLE about it. I really do because we all know they need the money. However, I shouldn't be subsidizing corporate greed.

It sucks. We need more unions.

Am I crazy here? What are everyone's thoughts/experiences with regard to this?

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