
Tips that only exist to subsidize payroll

I am looking for people who have worked at a Starbucks (or similar store) that allows customers to tip but where the tips are rare enough that employees never actually receive more than their regular wage. This could occur because by technically being a tipped worker, the minimum wage is lower than it is for regular employees (and the employers only need to make up the difference after the tips are taken into account). For example, in a state where the minimum wage is $12 per hour but the tipped worker minimum wage is $5 per hour, if an employee receives $4 per hour in tips, the “tips” that they receive simply act a subsidy to the employer's payroll (who would only pay $8 after the tips are added). If this scenario applies to you (or has applied to you in the past), I would love to hear about your…

I am looking for people who have worked at a Starbucks (or similar store) that allows customers to tip but where the tips are rare enough that employees never actually receive more than their regular wage. This could occur because by technically being a tipped worker, the minimum wage is lower than it is for regular employees (and the employers only need to make up the difference after the tips are taken into account). For example, in a state where the minimum wage is $12 per hour but the tipped worker minimum wage is $5 per hour, if an employee receives $4 per hour in tips, the “tips” that they receive simply act a subsidy to the employer's payroll (who would only pay $8 after the tips are added). If this scenario applies to you (or has applied to you in the past), I would love to hear about your situation and the name of your employer. This is for a story I am researching.

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