
Tired of exploitation at minimum wage jobs (rant)

Regardless of the fact that minimum wage workers already get exploited by the system, I’m so tired of shady business practices from managers and owners. I’m absolutely broke right now and living paycheck to paycheck. I have rent coming up… bills… debt… you name it. Some of my coworkers are in the same situation. I was meant to be paid last friday but after 5pm rolled around and I knew the offices had closed I realised that wasn’t happening. Come Monday night and they still haven’t paid us. Of course we’ve gotten multiple excuses “you don’t understand how hard it is setting up payroll”, “we missed an email” or “it was a technical error” YOU’VE HAD WEEKS TO SET IT UP! I WAS EMPLOYED WEEKS AGO! There are only about 25 employees at my job. I’m sure it IS hard setting everything up when you’re opening a business — but…

Regardless of the fact that minimum wage workers already get exploited by the system, I’m so tired of shady business practices from managers and owners.

I’m absolutely broke right now and living paycheck to paycheck. I have rent coming up… bills… debt… you name it. Some of my coworkers are in the same situation.

I was meant to be paid last friday but after 5pm rolled around and I knew the offices had closed I realised that wasn’t happening. Come Monday night and they still haven’t paid us. Of course we’ve gotten multiple excuses “you don’t understand how hard it is setting up payroll”, “we missed an email” or “it was a technical error” YOU’VE HAD WEEKS TO SET IT UP! I WAS EMPLOYED WEEKS AGO! There are only about 25 employees at my job.

I’m sure it IS hard setting everything up when you’re opening a business — but paying the employees that run the entire place is literally the f**king minimum. Workers will always be the lowest priority, even after doing the most.

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