
To work toward a promotion, I have to get effectively DEMOTED?

I have worked for this company for the better part of 20 years. To be fair, it's not a bad job (it went 100% remote when COVID hit and productivity increased, so they actually rolled with it) but when the stupid hits, the stupid hits HARD. Right now, I answer to a Vice-President of the company (important later). I was turned down for a promotion because I was told, and I quote, “when you're explaining things you can sometimes come across as condescending.” I have not, in the last several years, had ANY complaints about interactions at all. In fact, my reviews always had high marks in that category. So I smelled some bulls**t but I let it go. I did, however, put in the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” section of my most recent review (that's not the real name, but I can't recall the question)…

I have worked for this company for the better part of 20 years. To be fair, it's not a bad job (it went 100% remote when COVID hit and productivity increased, so they actually rolled with it) but when the stupid hits, the stupid hits HARD. Right now, I answer to a Vice-President of the company (important later).

I was turned down for a promotion because I was told, and I quote, “when you're explaining things you can sometimes come across as condescending.” I have not, in the last several years, had ANY complaints about interactions at all. In fact, my reviews always had high marks in that category. So I smelled some bulls**t but I let it go. I did, however, put in the “Where do you see yourself in 5 years” section of my most recent review (that's not the real name, but I can't recall the question) that I felt I was trapped in my current position with no upward mobility, and I was unsure if my current environment was sustainable given my amount of experience with the company (I've worked in just about every department) and my willingness to take on new duties and tasks (most of which no one else even wants). My VP Boss's suggestion was to move to a more “Specialized” department (I am in an Application Support role that also includes the pile of other tasks I perform and committees to which I am a member) that would increase my value to the company. I was incredulous at this, given my additional responsibilities and the sudden realization those weren't sufficient because they were “too esoteric” (another word for “specialized”?). But I thought it worth the change, was told it was a lateral move, no pay increase, and minimal change to my existing duties (you see where this is going). But THEN, it occurs to me the new field I'd be working in has a director. So I asked my Vice-President boss if I'd now be answering to that director instead of him. The answer? Yes, I would.

So, not only…NOT ONLY do I take a multitude of extra responsibilities and not get credit for them (I'd list the added responsibilities I perform but it'd hint too much at my job), now the “lateral” move I was told I'd be taking actually ISN'T. It's effectively a demotion because now there's an additional layer of management I have to deal with? I feel like I've been screwed a hundred ways to Sunday.

Anyway, thank you for the opportunity to vent. Yes, I'm job-hunting, but no, I don't hold out much hope for that process either.

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