
Today I’m quitting my job

As the title says, will be quitting my job today and I'm seeing red, need to vent, so here's why… It all started about a month ago. My new manager (only been on her team for about 2months) decided to write me up out of nowhere for using the wrong AUX code and for context I've been doing this job for nearly 3years and this was the first time anyone had ever said anything to me about it. I said fine whatever (obviously pissed because why not just let me know instead of threatening my job, but what can I do right?) and requested they give me a run through of the AUX codes to make sure there was nothing else I'd had a misunderstanding of for the last 3 years. My request was refused and I was told now that I know it won't be an issue again, but…

As the title says, will be quitting my job today and I'm seeing red, need to vent, so here's why…

It all started about a month ago. My new manager (only been on her team for about 2months) decided to write me up out of nowhere for using the wrong AUX code and for context I've been doing this job for nearly 3years and this was the first time anyone had ever said anything to me about it. I said fine whatever (obviously pissed because why not just let me know instead of threatening my job, but what can I do right?) and requested they give me a run through of the AUX codes to make sure there was nothing else I'd had a misunderstanding of for the last 3 years. My request was refused and I was told now that I know it won't be an issue again, but if there was any specific codes I needed reminding on then she would remind me. To which I responded that doesn't really help because I assumed I had a firm understanding of all codes until that moment, so how would I know if I don't know the specifics of a certain code if I've been doing the same thing for 3years without being told? She still refused my request to give me a quick run through of the codes to make sure there wasn't any others I had been using wrong, again only willing to talk about one code at a time and only if I can specify which I need a refresher on. Which again, how would I know I don't know the specifics of a code I've been using without someone letting me know since nothing has changed and no one in 3years has ever mentioned I was using it wrong?

The conversation ended with me being written up and warned of further action if it happens again. Fast forward a week later and I'm written up for “call avoidance” because I was doing work in the ACW code (stands for After Call Work). Again using the code as I understood it to be used for, doing work and meeting all time/stat goals, but apparently that doesn't matter, the only work you can do is work related to the last call you took (even if asked by other staff/management to do something and I will get in trouble if I ignore them???). I said okay fine whatever again, because it's ridiculous they keep jumping on me any chance they get the last few months, and I even predicted this would happen and asked for information on the codes to ensure it wouldn't happen, but my manager refused, leading to this second write up. Again I requested to be given a run through of the codes because for the second time I'm being written up for something I've been doing for 3years without issue, and again my request was denied. I made a bigger deal about it this time since it had happened before, I predicted it would happen again and am trying to prevent any further issues. They didn't care and refused to provide the information, but were fine giving me a warning I could be fired next time.

Faaaast forward to today… A few days ago I finished up my work after a call very quick and break wasn't for over an hour and I needed to pee. Ran to the bathroom and back, 3 minutes if even that. I came back to a message on Teams asking if there was a problem because I'd been in ACW for almost 5minutes. Said no, no issues, just ran to the bathroom real quick. They said that's fine and advised which code I should be using instead… INSTANTLY I knew I'd be hearing about it sooner or later. Then today, manager wants a meeting with me, wanting to know why I wasn't using the proper code. I stated I've requested clear and direct instructions on the codes since this keeps happening, I've done nothing different than I had with my previous managers over the last 3years and that she has refused my request multiple times. She denies this, saying I never asked and she never refused…. Of course. So while being told this is my final warning and if I do anything else I'll be fired immediately, I interupted and demanded all this on paperwork because I'm not going to be setup to be fired just for a 3minute bathroom break. In my angry she asked why I was so mad about it and I said that I struggle with depression and used to be suicidal, I try to make everyday the best I can and it feels like they're trying to make every day as bad as possible lately.

Next thing I know I've got cops pounding on my door, barged their way in, detained me, searched my apartment without my concent or a search warrant, robbed me of several tools from my toolbox under the claim I was planning on hurting myself with them (even know I'd never mentioned anything about hurting myself or any tools, AND they had to go looking for in my toolbox which was put away in a closet), then gave me the options of either be handcuffed and taken to the hospital in the back of their cop car or stand outside with them and wait for an ambulance to take me to the hospital. I do not drive, the hospital is a long way from where I live and here I am sitting in the waiting room for no reason for over 3 hours now and I have no way home other than pay like $20+ for a taxi, and lost the entire day's pay as well. So when I get home I'm gonna smash that work PC into bits and tear them a new one over the phone as I quit.

Thanks for reading my vent and wish me luck finding a new job.

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