
Told the interviewer how it was, they threatened me even before starting work

I am a highly specialized engineering designer. I have my own company and do small contracts while working on advocacy projects all over my city. This is the most important thing for me, personally. I am working on transit plans, affordable housing, supportive housing, bike lanes and more. I don't really care about money else I'd be making 3 or 4 times as much slaving for a company that is actively ruining out society. I applied for a job for fun and I did the 3 stages of interviews. Every time I was VERY clear that I was only looking for 20 hours a week for half their posted salary. Sounds fair. Got the the final interview and again, my resume is rock solid and they admitted as much. When I told them “I'm not interested in anything more than 20 hours a week” they balked and got upset. I…

I am a highly specialized engineering designer. I have my own company and do small contracts while working on advocacy projects all over my city. This is the most important thing for me, personally. I am working on transit plans, affordable housing, supportive housing, bike lanes and more. I don't really care about money else I'd be making 3 or 4 times as much slaving for a company that is actively ruining out society.

I applied for a job for fun and I did the 3 stages of interviews. Every time I was VERY clear that I was only looking for 20 hours a week for half their posted salary. Sounds fair.

Got the the final interview and again, my resume is rock solid and they admitted as much. When I told them “I'm not interested in anything more than 20 hours a week” they balked and got upset. I asked if “anyone in their pre-screening or HR told them”. They said “yeah but we didn't think it was a hard limit”.

The conversation continues into expertise and what I am willing to do. They ask if I was ok with field work. I said “hahaha fuck no” (yes I laughed at them). I confirmed the role I was applying for and they told me…

“If things get slow we need something for you do to”

My response was.

“Sounds like you only have 20 hours of work a week for this role.”

There was silence for about 15 seconds and I confirmed that they were still there (video interview).

A lot more was said (I professionally know one of the engineers).

However it ended with me saying this.

“I know I don't get the role, and frankly I don't want it. If you cannot realize that if you need 'loads of people' and I am more than willing to be 'half a person' but you won't accept that, you aren't going to get any good talent to stay because talented people like me have no fucks left to give. We aren't putting up with bullshit because of bad management and company policy. I hope you fill the role and it works out.”

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