
Took one for the team……. fired on first day

So I started a new job today as a maintenance worker for a large hotel chain. I arrived and was shown around and told how things work. I felt good about it so far. Then the Manager introduces me to the other guy doing the same job just less hours. Within maybe 10 minutes we were alone chatting and I decide to ask him what his hourly pay rate is. He soon found out I was making 3$ an hour more than him. He had been there for about 2 months at this point. I go about doing a couple small projects and fixing things , he disappeared for like an hour. Couldn't find him. All of a sudden I was called into the office via radio and told “you said an inappropriate remark about someone's penis size and an employee overheard you” “This isn't going to work out” Was…

So I started a new job today as a maintenance worker for a large hotel chain. I arrived and was shown around and told how things work. I felt good about it so far. Then the Manager introduces me to the other guy doing the same job just less hours. Within maybe 10 minutes we were alone chatting and I decide to ask him what his hourly pay rate is. He soon found out I was making 3$ an hour more than him. He had been there for about 2 months at this point. I go about doing a couple small projects and fixing things , he disappeared for like an hour. Couldn't find him. All of a sudden I was called into the office via radio and told “you said an inappropriate remark about someone's penis size and an employee overheard you” “This isn't going to work out” Was told to leave and not come back. I know 100% I made no such comments or jokes. When I asked who heard it? she told me it was the other maintenance guy. Looks more like he got mad about his pay and demanded more and was told to go away, and they made some shit up to get rid of me knowing I probably told him. Either way I dodged a bullet I am happy I won't be working for that lady if this is how management behaves.

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