
Top Management Jobs Shouldn’t Be Hospice For Adult Toddlers

I work at a large professional services firm; we do things like accounting, US taxes, international taxes, asset valuations etc, and our clients are large corporations who need to prepare various reports and filings about those things. Our advice has enormous impact on how businesses operate and run. While I've seen it personally where I work, its really no different at any of our competitors either. That is why I find it terrifying and endlessly aggravating that these decisions seem to be in the hands of extremely immature old men who (i) could have retired years ago but instead are (ii) workaholics to avoid confronting some kind of enormous personal issue – locking out other people from advancing their careers and just generally raining bullshit down on everyone under them. The top leadership here is people who are already wealthy enough to live comfortably the rest of their lives without…

I work at a large professional services firm; we do things like accounting, US taxes, international taxes, asset valuations etc, and our clients are large corporations who need to prepare various reports and filings about those things. Our advice has enormous impact on how businesses operate and run. While I've seen it personally where I work, its really no different at any of our competitors either.

That is why I find it terrifying and endlessly aggravating that these decisions seem to be in the hands of extremely immature old men who (i) could have retired years ago but instead are (ii) workaholics to avoid confronting some kind of enormous personal issue – locking out other people from advancing their careers and just generally raining bullshit down on everyone under them. The top leadership here is people who are already wealthy enough to live comfortably the rest of their lives without even one more paycheck.

Yet, they go running around making sales like there's no tomorrow, which of course means making work for us little worker bees to do, and they don't give a shit about whether we have the resources to do that work. They don't want to do any of the “boring” parts of actually running the firm, organizing our work, etc. They rush through things without thinking, show up to meetings without preparing, shoot down more junior people who try to provide input, and whenever I try to mention to others in management that this is totally dysfunctional, I get some version of:

“well you know he's dealing with a lot right now and he's just doing this because he doesn't know what else to do”

So why the fuck is the right place for him to deal with that in a conference room with clients and coworkers instead of a therapist's office? He's got too much going on to act like an adult to his colleagues, but he's a-okay to advise gigantic international companies on how to operate? I have all the sympathy in the world for people with mental illness, as I myself have struggled a lot with CPTSD. But no one has the right to exploit employees to make themselves feel better. No one has the right to ruin the world as a hobby. And no one should have to accept being bossed around by an 80-year-old toddler trying to build himself a mausoleum out of bricks of cash.

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