
Tough it out for a couple more years. AI will save us.

AI is coming for every job sooner rather than later. I'm a software developer and I've been playing around with gpt4 and I can confidently say it is already better than the typical junior developer. The tech is amazing and it is truly mindblowing how much better it is getting everyday. I read a lot about how “it cant do xyz”, just give it a couple months. Software engineering was supposed to be one of the last white collar jobs to go and while it may be the case a select few will survive, the vast majority of developers will soon be out of a job, myself included. If that happens to a “complex and creative” field that is software engineering then others are definitely on the chopping block. Blue collar work will soon follow suit as ai will speed up the already well advanced robotics industry. UBI or something…

AI is coming for every job sooner rather than later. I'm a software developer and I've been playing around with gpt4 and I can confidently say it is already better than the typical junior developer. The tech is amazing and it is truly mindblowing how much better it is getting everyday. I read a lot about how “it cant do xyz”, just give it a couple months. Software engineering was supposed to be one of the last white collar jobs to go and while it may be the case a select few will survive, the vast majority of developers will soon be out of a job, myself included. If that happens to a “complex and creative” field that is software engineering then others are definitely on the chopping block. Blue collar work will soon follow suit as ai will speed up the already well advanced robotics industry. UBI or something similar has to start when white collar work gets laid off over the next couple years. I believe that the US stimulus checks were a pilot program from the government to see how a UBI would pan out.

I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hang in there and dont underestimate the exponential curve that is technological advancement.

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