
Toxic Boss Bingo

So, I just need this to get this out of my system as I am frustrated to the bone. Please let me know if I overreact! 2 years ago I started to work for a start-up software development company of some old friends from university. It started very well and I really enjoyed working there. My salary was kind of low, but I thought it was normal for a start-up. After a while, the workload was too much and I poached another friend to come work with us. Now this is where the fun starts: The guy I brought in, earns more then I do. When I confronted management of this, they said I would get a raise to be equally paid. They promised me that exactly 1 year ago, still nothing happened. They keep claiming that their salary is competitive, but with some research I found that my salary…

So, I just need this to get this out of my system as I am frustrated to the bone. Please let me know if I overreact!

2 years ago I started to work for a start-up software development company of some old friends from university. It started very well and I really enjoyed working there. My salary was kind of low, but I thought it was normal for a start-up. After a while, the workload was too much and I poached another friend to come work with us. Now this is where the fun starts: The guy I brought in, earns more then I do. When I confronted management of this, they said I would get a raise to be equally paid. They promised me that exactly 1 year ago, still nothing happened. They keep claiming that their salary is competitive, but with some research I found that my salary is 2/3 of the competition. Moreover, when I did some comparisons with my other coworkers, it came out that I delivered 3 times the work that they do. (Got this from comparing the amount of lines of code we wrote)

At the beginning of 2023, I felt burned out and got sick quite a few times. As Belgium has a great health insurance, I could get full paid time off while being sick. When I got back at the office, my boss immediately said: “How was your week of vacation? In this way, the only thing you do is cost me money.” That pissed me of, so I talked about it with my co-worker. He said that the CEO was trash talking about me, behind my back, to other co-workers and people in general.

As from January, some interns joined the company (I mention this, because these girls are still in school and therefore quite younger then anyone in our team). After 2 weeks, one of the managing partners started to flirt with one of the interns (while they both have a partner). In my eyes, this is a perfect example of abuse of power.

Fast forward to July, my boss has got (paid) time off for 10 weeks now and went on a trip abroad for 4 times. He and the other managing partners all bought a BMW electric car, while the company is going bankrupt. (Company cars is a very common thing in Belgium, but I drive a Ford Focus of 2015 while being the most valuable employee). This while we moved to a building that costs us double the amount of money in comparison with our previous building (without growing as a business).

Clients are leaving, staff is leaving, and I am leaving. But before I leave, I want to confront the managing partners of their toxic behavior. How would you guys recommend me to do it? I am afraid that I will lose my sh**…

TLDR; My bosses tick off ALL the toxic boss traits mentioned on this website and I want to confront them. How would you do it?

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