
Training contracts are bullshit

So I work in a pretty niche part of healthcare. I used to work in house at hospital. I was sent to training to be certified to work on certain equipment and signed a contract saying I would stay on for two years. I probably should have negotiated the terms of the contract, but i didn’t know any better and honestly didn’t expect to switch jobs. But then about a year and a half after I signed my training contract I was presented with an opportunity to work 3rd party which was way better pay and benefits. The hospital refused to even come close to matching the pay, let alone anything else. In their last bit of pettiness they threw the contract back at me. Even though I had saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars they were still going after me for the training. And as a regular person…

So I work in a pretty niche part of healthcare. I used to work in house at hospital. I was sent to training to be certified to work on certain equipment and signed a contract saying I would stay on for two years. I probably should have negotiated the terms of the contract, but i didn’t know any better and honestly didn’t expect to switch jobs.

But then about a year and a half after I signed my training contract I was presented with an opportunity to work 3rd party which was way better pay and benefits. The hospital refused to even come close to matching the pay, let alone anything else. In their last bit of pettiness they threw the contract back at me. Even though I had saved them hundreds of thousands of dollars they were still going after me for the training. And as a regular person I have way too much to lose by trying to go to court to get a prorated rate or to argue that I shouldn’t pay it back at all.

So here I am sending them 15% of what I make in a month for what is essentially a rounding error to them that is a huge amount of money to me. Don’t agree to training contracts people.

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