
Training hours not counted toward normal work hours?

Earlier this week I had mandatory training for 4hrs. It’s near the end of my work week, and I’m getting close to hitting overtime. I went in asking my ops manager how long he’s gonna have me out, since he avoids giving ppl overtime and was looking forward to a short day. He told me the hours trained don’t count towards the “work” hrs since it’s a different pay scale ie we don’t get our commission. This sounds fishy to me, any thoughts?

Earlier this week I had mandatory training for 4hrs. It’s near the end of my work week, and I’m getting close to hitting overtime. I went in asking my ops manager how long he’s gonna have me out, since he avoids giving ppl overtime and was looking forward to a short day. He told me the hours trained don’t count towards the “work” hrs since it’s a different pay scale ie we don’t get our commission. This sounds fishy to me, any thoughts?

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