
Tribal knowledge and if you been at your employer a long time. Do not share anything you know. Knowledge is priceless.

If you of are like me and have just stayed at a job because you were afraid of change, starting over, got too comfortable, had seniority, top of the wage scale, maxed out on salary and you see the writing on the wall things are about to get worse. Starting looking for a new employer or a new career. I been at my company 18 years and in my late 30s. When I first started it was great only a few people, easy work we all got along, a manager who I could bribe with lunch, but always took care of things when asked and learned a lot. Well I’m the last of the 5 that original started. I also have a great part time job that provides benefits having a chronic health condition sucks in the US. Well last 24 months after covid the place has gone to shit.…

If you of are like me and have just stayed at a job because you were afraid of change, starting over, got too comfortable, had seniority, top of the wage scale, maxed out on salary and you see the writing on the wall things are about to get worse. Starting looking for a new employer or a new career.

I been at my company 18 years and in my late 30s. When I first started it was great only a few people, easy work we all got along, a manager who I could bribe with lunch, but always took care of things when asked and learned a lot. Well I’m the last of the 5 that original started. I also have a great part time job that provides benefits having a chronic health condition sucks in the US.

Well last 24 months after covid the place has gone to shit. But I’m the only one who knows how everything works and the password to all the equipment. My manager asked me to be lead. Hell no then I would have to train and share what I know. Nope. I go to work everyday to do as little as possible. New manager isn’t like are old one so no chances of getting away with what I was doing before. But somebody still has to do all the other stuff nobody knows and that’s me. I take my time doing it or doing it twice and he has no idea and I don’t tell him how to do it. So that makes me needed.

I also got FMLA that I can use as I want and they can’t do shit to you. I been in the parking lot 15 mins before I go in and will text won’t be in. That has helped my mental stress a-lot. I’m in healthcare now. But need a job change we have a company locally that will pay to train for my commercial class A for driving truck. I love driving it’s a form of stress relief for me. Or thinking of going the trade school route and become a radiology technologist. In my area they are paying $55-71 an hour after you get some experience.

Or maybe start a laundromat as we have very few in this college town. I’m not at my breaking point yet but close to just saying fuck it and going supplemental meaning I chose when I want to work. Financially I’m good. No kids not married. Have a rental that pays my mortgage. But I have expensive hobbies and this job pays for them. If your in 20s and make a good wage try to be debt free and financially independent on your 30s. I missed a lot in my 20s working 2 jobs and it’s harder today then ever before. Remember you will never get rich working for someone else.

2 things I have learned don’t share what you know if you been their along time. Knowledge is priceless and keep them stupid. If you can get FMLA use it to your advantage. You have no friends at work. They are called coworkers for a reason. Be respect and if your forced to train them don’t share secrets or only provide part of the answer.

Don’t be afraid to walk away or burn a bridge. Take advantage of any tuition reimbursement and that your company offers you. Hard for me to leave my full time job as the only thing that matters is seniority doesn’t matter what job you have and if you can get a MD to write intermittent FMLA for you to protect your job and your mental health.

My advice from doing the same crap job for almost 2 decades and need a change. Happy Monday everybody.

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