
Trying to stay positive in my toxic workplace – How to develop an exit strategy from a toxic workplace (nonprofit) and finally quit this job that doesn’t value my worth

I have anxiety- more specifically called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and this toxic workplace is causing me to not work because I feel undervalued. I have apathy towards my work and I feel stuck. I am trying to stay positive in my toxic workplace with positive affirmations. I am a very high driven individual because I had a 3.7-3.8 GPA back in university but now I am missing deadlines at work – not caring about it anymore. I work in a public health nonprofit state food bank with high turnover (at least 10 people have left within the last year – I started in January 2022) and unsupportive supervisors/managers. Not to mention I am underpaid and only got a 1% salary increase. There is not job/financial satisfaction and there is no growth. I feel isolated and my coworkers are superficial. My 2 coworkers of the same title as me ignored…

I have anxiety- more specifically called generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and this toxic workplace is causing me to not work because I feel undervalued. I have apathy towards my work and I feel stuck. I am trying to stay positive in my toxic workplace with positive affirmations. I am a very high driven individual because I had a 3.7-3.8 GPA back in university but now I am missing deadlines at work – not caring about it anymore. I work in a public health nonprofit state food bank with high turnover (at least 10 people have left within the last year – I started in January 2022) and unsupportive supervisors/managers. Not to mention I am underpaid and only got a 1% salary increase. There is not job/financial satisfaction and there is no growth. I feel isolated and my coworkers are superficial. My 2 coworkers of the same title as me ignored me in the All Staff Engagement Day yesterday while my other coworkers don't give a f*ck about me. My boyfriend has been so supportive of me and I appreciate him while my parents don't want to understand me. My boyfriend has anxiety and suffered from a toxic workplace a year ago and I love him for how much he supports me.

Today at work, I found out that I need to make 130 engagement bags for an event tomorrow and they didn’t give me an extension for a report. How can I be independent if I’m not being supported? I feel I am damned if do (ask for support), and damned if I don't.

Some things I have been doing is starting a gratitude journal, doing positive affirmations, listening to meditation music, watching virtual reiki on youtube and tiktok. My new therapist recommended EFT – tapping and she does reiki too. She is very spiritual, like me.

How can I develop an exit strategy for this toxic workspace? I want to do a career pivot into for profit world such as health / food / pharma and marking and/or project management. I have a background in nutrition with a minor in Spanish and International Business. I am in my late 20s. How can I explore these different areas in these cool industries? How can I do toxic workplace recovery? How else can I protect my mental space from feeling incompetent and not having confidence? How to develop an exit strategy from a toxic workplace (nonprofit) and career pivot into the corporate world?

How do I finally quit this job that doesn't value my worth?

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