
Turned in notice, immediately offered a significant raise

And I’m furious about it. I’ve been working for a big box retailer for 6 years. I’ve worked my way up from part-time stocker to assistant manager in that time, with potential to be a store manager in the next year or so. My two years as an assistant store manager were the most mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting experience of my life. 60-70 hour weeks, shit customers, burned-out associates that I couldn’t help, and daily corporate mind fuckery. I decided my mental health, relationships and work/life balance were far more important than the potential money to be made, so I started looking elsewhere. I was eventually recruited for a position in a field I’m actually passionate about with a really great company. So I turned in my notice. My store manager was incredibly understanding and accepted gracefully. Then I got the call from HR. “How much will it cost…

And I’m furious about it.
I’ve been working for a big box retailer for 6 years. I’ve worked my way up from part-time stocker to assistant manager in that time, with potential to be a store manager in the next year or so.
My two years as an assistant store manager were the most mentally, emotionally and physically exhausting experience of my life. 60-70 hour weeks, shit customers, burned-out associates that I couldn’t help, and daily corporate mind fuckery.
I decided my mental health, relationships and work/life balance were far more important than the potential money to be made, so I started looking elsewhere. I was eventually recruited for a position in a field I’m actually passionate about with a really great company.
So I turned in my notice. My store manager was incredibly understanding and accepted gracefully. Then I got the call from HR.
“How much will it cost to keep you?”
I knew there was no way I was staying, but hey, I’m curious.
I threw out a 10% increase, thinking it was outrageous, and they’d tell me to have a great life.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Fuck all the way off. Why am I pissed, dear reader? Guess who asked for a 5% raise just a few months ago and got denied because I “made a fair market rate?” Did you guess me?
You’re telling me you’ve been paying me a significant amount less than you could have for 2 YEARS? And now I’m supposed to bow down and kiss your feet for the opportunity? I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but I’m insulted that my work has been so undervalued for so long and upset for my coworkers who will continue to work for less than they’re worth.
Anyways. Here’s to new horizons and making sure all my peers know that they’re being screwed over!

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