
Two can play at that game

Even though most employers are decent people and many small business owners are struggling, finding a job can be a dog eat dog game. Here are things employers do to screw up with prospective employees: Lie on the job ad on pay offered Call multiple people for one role and do unpaid trials Omit information about required licenses or certifications. Lie about the starting date, the job starts a couple of weeks later. Here are some things I do that madden employers: Apply for multiple jobs Keep applying even when I got confirmation of a shift (probably just an unpaid trial shift) Keep multiple 'first shifts' booked in the case that some of the employers cancel it at the last minute Spend $300 on licenses, worked a couple of day and figured the job is not enough to live on, ask employer for advance pay of couple of days to…

Even though most employers are decent people and many small business owners are struggling, finding a job can be a dog eat dog game.

Here are things employers do to screw up with prospective employees:

  • Lie on the job ad on pay offered
  • Call multiple people for one role and do unpaid trials
  • Omit information about required licenses or certifications.
  • Lie about the starting date, the job starts a couple of weeks later.

Here are some things I do that madden employers:

  • Apply for multiple jobs
  • Keep applying even when I got confirmation of a shift (probably just an unpaid trial shift)
  • Keep multiple 'first shifts' booked in the case that some of the employers cancel it at the last minute
  • Spend $300 on licenses, worked a couple of day and figured the job is not enough to live on, ask employer for advance pay of couple of days to cover licenses cost, then quit.

Gotta do what you gotta do.

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