
Two days off after working five days in a row is bullshit.

Monday-Friday, working 8:30am-4:30pm, I never have time to do anything because businesses close at 5 and I live 45 minutes away from literally everything (and I work that far away too—downsides of living rurally). I usually have to stop by a convenience store on the way home or even stop by somewhere to get food, I’m home by 6 or 6:30, depending on other factors too, like roadwork. Sometimes I have work texts or emails blowing up my phone for “announcements” and bullshit that could’ve waited until the next morning, so I’m really not truly off work because I have to read them. I take a shower after I eat, usually around 7. By 7:30, I have no mental energy so I relax until about 9:30 or sometimes later, if I can hold my eyes open. So not including needs like eating and showering, I get just 2 hours to…

Monday-Friday, working 8:30am-4:30pm, I never have time to do anything because businesses close at 5 and I live 45 minutes away from literally everything (and I work that far away too—downsides of living rurally).

I usually have to stop by a convenience store on the way home or even stop by somewhere to get food, I’m home by 6 or 6:30, depending on other factors too, like roadwork.

Sometimes I have work texts or emails blowing up my phone for “announcements” and bullshit that could’ve waited until the next morning, so I’m really not truly off work because I have to read them.

I take a shower after I eat, usually around 7. By 7:30, I have no mental energy so I relax until about 9:30 or sometimes later, if I can hold my eyes open. So not including needs like eating and showering, I get just 2 hours to myself, a measly 10 hours a week (not including weekends).

My husband goes into work for the nightshift at 7pm, so I barely get to spend any time with him. Thankfully, we both have weekends off.

I’m off Saturdays and Sundays. Saturdays are for running errands, grocery shopping, going to the laundromat, cleaning house. These things can take up most of the day. Sundays are just mentally preparing for Monday again.

I have no life, no friends, nothing. Just work and barely any time to truly recharge. I understand that this is just the way things are, but that doesn’t mean that it sucks any less!

I’m seriously considering taking off one Friday or one Monday a month so that I can have a mental health day along with my weekend off. I have a history of depression and anxiety, and although they’ve been at bay for a couple months, they almost always sneak up on me after a while of peace—usually in a few months time. It hits me hard in the summer time, strangely enough. I’ve been pretty okay since early January, so I know it’s just a matter of time.

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