
Two surprise HR meetings

This is my first time posting here but I’m hoping to get some advice or thoughts on whether this is normal. I’ve been with my company for just under two years and it’s a fully remote role with a nonprofit. The job is very straightforward and I generally find it fine but in March of this year, closer to April, our company hired a new manager for our team. Since this manager has joined, I’ve been feeling a bit under the microscope because she’s consistently checking timestamps on my Teams messages and cross referencing emails that I send to confirm their content and timestamps. Overall, she has made me feel like I’m doing my job poorly because she examines these details and will reach out to HR to notify them of any errors prior to speaking with me. For context I have a colleague who is my counterpart and she…

This is my first time posting here but I’m hoping to get some advice or thoughts on whether this is normal.

I’ve been with my company for just under two years and it’s a fully remote role with a nonprofit. The job is very straightforward and I generally find it fine but in March of this year, closer to April, our company hired a new manager for our team. Since this manager has joined, I’ve been feeling a bit under the microscope because she’s consistently checking timestamps on my Teams messages and cross referencing emails that I send to confirm their content and timestamps. Overall, she has made me feel like I’m doing my job poorly because she examines these details and will reach out to HR to notify them of any errors prior to speaking with me. For context I have a colleague who is my counterpart and she is far less organized than me to the point hat external partners no longer trust her to respond but she hasn’t been reported to HR.

Early this summer, I failed to submit a report on time and submitted it the following day. My manager and I connected to discuss it and things seemed fine and resolved but shortly after the call, I get a meeting request with HR. This is something that never happens but I was then put onto a performance improvement plan! I knocked it out of the park because I’m a good worker but it was a note in my file nonetheless that really ruined my day and shifted how I view my relationship with my manager for a week. Still, I accepted responsibility and worked on it. Manager was pleased and even set my work as an example for my colleagues. She said I do good work but hasn’t submitted anything to HR to note my changes.

Fast forward to this week, I was feeling I’ll and stepped away from my computer after notifying my team. I was unable to meet due to nausea but messaged my manager immediately following to reschedule and provide some context for my absence. We connected the day after and discussed the situation and she shared her thoughts and advice for communication in the future. Thought it was fine at that but then BOOM! another HR meeting where I am presented with a final warning! Is this normal? I’m not asking for sympathy because I know where I could have done things differently, but is this not a bit of a hostile environment? I feel like I am being treated much differently from my colleagues despite my superior quality of work because of differences in our communication styles and I’m not sure it’s warranted or valid for termination. Thoughts?

I’m a 28yo Black male working on a team of 5 where the other four people are white women between 27 – 50. In general, I’m not a fan of the nonprofit sector but after working the same way for years at this point, I’m wondering if this is something else? Idk but thanks in advance for reading and sharing!

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