
Uber has made they’re own “labor union” called “UberCREW”

It's useless, they should actually call it “Uber Feedback” because that's all it is. Some button in my Uber Driver app. They say they want feedback about stupid things that existing Uber customer support people are supposed to deal with. Uber Crew is a corporation's idea of a labor union. Like an actual labor union, there are these “Crew Members” that we supposedly vote on who take the place a union rep would normally occupy. Here's an example of what this thing is supposed to be used for (verbatim quote): Share feedback on local bugs you see on the app. For example, let your Crew Member know about street addresses that need to be updated, airport pick-up/drop-off bugs, or restaurant menu inconsistencies. And What are some frustrations you experience when reaching out to eaters because products at a store need to be replaced? Why does Uber refer to customers as…

It's useless, they should actually call it “Uber Feedback” because that's all it is. Some button in my Uber Driver app. They say they want feedback about stupid things that existing Uber customer support people are supposed to deal with. Uber Crew is a corporation's idea of a labor union. Like an actual labor union, there are these “Crew Members” that we supposedly vote on who take the place a union rep would normally occupy.

Here's an example of what this thing is supposed to be used for (verbatim quote):

Share feedback on local bugs you see on the app. For example, let your Crew Member know about street addresses that need to be updated, airport pick-up/drop-off bugs, or restaurant menu inconsistencies.


What are some frustrations you experience when reaching out to eaters because products at a store need to be replaced?

Why does Uber refer to customers as “eaters?” They are our customers. Everything they list as acceptable topics to submit feedback on are things that customer support already deals with.

Here's another quote:

Office Hours are held in a group setting in order to collect as much feedback as possible about these important issues. We understand you may have more feedback than time permits during Office Hours. Please continue to share your feedback and observations by submitting them to us directly via our Feedback tab.

Where are the “feedback” topics about what we get paid? What perks we get? What benefits we get? Where are those topics? And this is in California where we are our own unique kind of workforce, not employees and not independent contractors, with aspects of both but something else entirely. Including a weird twisted idea of a union, concocted by a corporation. This post would also suitable for r/aboringdystopia. We can't create real driver labor unions because they classify us as independent contractors and not employees. UberCREW has absolutely no teeth or bargaining power whatsoever.

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