
UK – I went home to visit my dying grandfather and came back to someone being hired in my position and my hours being cut in half

I am from New Zealand and am on a working visa. I got this job in February, and found out that my grandad is terminally ill. In May I decided I would go home to spend some time with my grandad, but as it is such a long way to travel I decided to go for a month, in July-August, and gave my boss/the owner two months notice of my holiday. I also asked if he wanted my leave request in writing and he said no, but verbally approved this and said we would make do while I was gone. In June my dad called me to say my grandad was only expected to live less than a week, so that night at 2am I changed my flights to the next day, as it takes more than 24 hours to travel, and my dad made out like he might only…

I am from New Zealand and am on a working visa. I got this job in February, and found out that my grandad is terminally ill. In May I decided I would go home to spend some time with my grandad, but as it is such a long way to travel I decided to go for a month, in July-August, and gave my boss/the owner two months notice of my holiday. I also asked if he wanted my leave request in writing and he said no, but verbally approved this and said we would make do while I was gone. In June my dad called me to say my grandad was only expected to live less than a week, so that night at 2am I changed my flights to the next day, as it takes more than 24 hours to travel, and my dad made out like he might only last two more days, but it has always been very uncertain. I let my manager know via text that I had changed my flights and would be leaving, then went into work the next day, hours before my flight, to speak with my manager in person about this who at the time didn’t say that it was an issue. Within a week I let him know my return date, which he did not reply. My friend called me a week later to say that the manager told her he hadn’t heard from me (he saw my message on WhatsApp) so I messaged asking if this was ok, and he replied that he would not confirm my hours until I let him know I was physically in the country. I let him know and said I could return to work on the original day I had specified, which was yesterday. I returned to work yesterday, expecting my normal hours, but that day received -2 hours and today worked half my usual shift. I didn’t think much of this as it was obviously short notice since I arrived back in the country only two days prior, which I didn’t work due to jet lag (and had originally accounted for this when booking flights and giving my return date). Today (Saturday) we received the rota for next week (Monday, 2 days time), which I have been given 22 hours instead of my contracted 40-45 per week. As I spent a lot of money on flights home as well as having to pay for multiple flight changes, I can barely afford this months rent (we get paid monthly and I will not have worked enough hours). I asked why my hours were cut, also noting that we have employed 5 new people including one person in my position. I was told that technically it was gross misconduct that I left without notice, and to put my grievances in writing. I asked if my job was stable and he said they could have dismissed me by now, he could not rely on me until my personal circumstances have been resolved (???), and again to put my grievances in writing. I asked if and when my hours would return to normal, and have had no reply (as of writing this). He has replaced my usual hours on Monday and Tuesday with a girl who has told several people that she wanted less hours (I understand maybe she could have asked for more hours this week). I’m really scared and stressed and don’t really know what to do.

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