
(UK) If you have any degree of responsibility at all, leaving your job is a painful, drawn out process that almost seems designed to put you off leaving

So I'm in the UK, senior management role and in the process of changing jobs. My contractual notice period is 3 months. I get that we have better protections in the UK around employment but 3 months is brutal. One of the reasons I'm leaving is burnout and having to resist the urge to completely check out for 3 months is nigh on impossible, not to mention the constant check ins with directors so the boss can size up the perfect moment to try to brow beat me in to staying. They are out of luck this time (moving to a way higher salary, less pressure job) but still i know it's coming. They are already threatening to withhold my bonus. I get it's discretionary but what better way to demotivate somebody who still has a lot of work to deliver for you than by withholding the bonus they earned…

So I'm in the UK, senior management role and in the process of changing jobs. My contractual notice period is 3 months.

I get that we have better protections in the UK around employment but 3 months is brutal. One of the reasons I'm leaving is burnout and having to resist the urge to completely check out for 3 months is nigh on impossible, not to mention the constant check ins with directors so the boss can size up the perfect moment to try to brow beat me in to staying.

They are out of luck this time (moving to a way higher salary, less pressure job) but still i know it's coming. They are already threatening to withhold my bonus. I get it's discretionary but what better way to demotivate somebody who still has a lot of work to deliver for you than by withholding the bonus they earned based on backwards looking performance?

Can't say there's a lot about US workplace culture I envy but two weeks notice is definitely on the list.

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