
Ummmmm…fuck you, pay me?

So I’m finally back in the job market after being laid off in March 2020, having twins shortly after, and figuring out all that mess. I’m thinking “oh, I’ve heard of so much progress, it’s a worker’s market now, etc, I bet it’ll be easier this time around!” Nope. Question: Why are the hiring managers/recruiters who call me still stumbling over their answers when I ask what the minimum hourly rate is BEFORE the interview? Or they give me a range “$15-$25 an hour depending on experience”. Umm that’s what my resume is for? Can you at least give me an hourly range based solely on the resume that made you want to interview me? WHY ARE WE STILL SO CAGEY ABOUT THE WAGEY?? I have a family to feed assholes. I don’t care about your family culture and bullshit. I don’t want to suck your company’s dick. I just…

So I’m finally back in the job market after being laid off in March 2020, having twins shortly after, and figuring out all that mess.

I’m thinking “oh, I’ve heard of so much progress, it’s a worker’s market now, etc, I bet it’ll be easier this time around!”


Question: Why are the hiring managers/recruiters who call me still stumbling over their answers when I ask what the minimum hourly rate is BEFORE the interview? Or they give me a range “$15-$25 an hour depending on experience”. Umm that’s what my resume is for? Can you at least give me an hourly range based solely on the resume that made you want to interview me? WHY ARE WE STILL SO CAGEY ABOUT THE WAGEY??

I have a family to feed assholes. I don’t care about your family culture and bullshit. I don’t want to suck your company’s dick. I just want to do good work for what I’m qualified for and be done. Fuck you, pay me. Stop trying to sell me all this bullshit BEFORE I get to hear the hourly wage. Let’s cut the crap??

Ugh. Back to wading through vague job applications where very few have wages listed, or have $10 between the max and min wage.

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