
Under qualified teammates getting promotions I was told I’d get….

Not even sure this is the right place to post but I need to vent. So for context – I’ve been at my employer just shy of 5 years. I feel I was just shafted by my boss and it’s bothering me. My boss promised me 2 years ago “you’ll be going places” (in reference to promotions). 1 year ago we set a plan to make this happen. Any time my boss does a performance review I hear the following for about 10 minutes and then we just talk: we really appreciate what you do, you’ve really stepped up to the plate and helped the team tremendously. We really value you being here. Translation: I’m going to say good things so you don’t argue. Never anything bad, never even “hey this could use some improvement” We hired 3 other IT guys about a year ago. I did the majority of…

Not even sure this is the right place to post but I need to vent.

So for context – I’ve been at my employer just shy of 5 years. I feel I was just shafted by my boss and it’s bothering me.

My boss promised me 2 years ago “you’ll be going places” (in reference to promotions). 1 year ago we set a plan to make this happen.

Any time my boss does a performance review I hear the following for about 10 minutes and then we just talk: we really appreciate what you do, you’ve really stepped up to the plate and helped the team tremendously. We really value you being here. Translation: I’m going to say good things so you don’t argue. Never anything bad, never even “hey this could use some improvement”

We hired 3 other IT guys about a year ago. I did the majority of the training for them, they still call me daily asking questions on things (often I’ve answered it in the past or it’s some strange problem they assume I’ve dealt with before). I don’t mind people asking questions….but….

I Found out today, literally all the training I’ve done is so they can get a promotion to jobs that weren’t posted or offered to senior staff, and that cover literally everything I was told I’d be doing 2 years ago.

In those 2 years literally any time my boss asks me to do something, I do it without question.

I fear I’ll be retaliated against if I speak up, but this is eating away at me.

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