

So I got an unexcused absence last week. Called out on Tuesday because my mom fell the night before, hit her head amd probably cracked a rib. I stayed home to make sure she was ok and didn't fall again. She's ok, thankfully. All my pto for the year had been used up, but my manager had expressed in the past that missing work for family emergencies is ok. I heard nothing from them the rest of the week until Friday when I was asked to show documentation from my mom's doctor to prove that's why I missed work. My mom doesn't even have a doctor and would not go get checked out no matter how many times I asked. I told my manager this, and he acted like he's on my side and said he would try to get it resolved. My job does this program where if you…

So I got an unexcused absence last week. Called out on Tuesday because my mom fell the night before, hit her head amd probably cracked a rib. I stayed home to make sure she was ok and didn't fall again. She's ok, thankfully.

All my pto for the year had been used up, but my manager had expressed in the past that missing work for family emergencies is ok. I heard nothing from them the rest of the week until Friday when I was asked to show documentation from my mom's doctor to prove that's why I missed work. My mom doesn't even have a doctor and would not go get checked out no matter how many times I asked. I told my manager this, and he acted like he's on my side and said he would try to get it resolved. My job does this program where if you meet certain requirements you earn an extra dollar an hour. One requirement is no unexcused absences. Another is 100% overtime commitment. I was told they probably won't bend the rules otherwise other employees can claim discrimination. However, guys that have been here a month who don't do one second of overtime still get their bonus. Ive been here 3 years and I always either use pto or get my absence cleared.

The kicker is we mostly stood last week due to missing materials. In fact Tuesday my coworkers said they didn't build one damn thing. So my absence actually saved the company money while everyone else was standing around “costing” them hundreds or thousands. Now they want to take 80 dollars from a guy who stayed home to take care of his injured mother. To be honest I don't give a fuck about the bonus, I just want the big bold letters saying “UNEXCUSED” to disappear from my timesheet. I have to look at it everytime I log on to approve them and it makes my blood boil.

I've been at my wits end with this place and it will be a miracle if I don't walk out today. Ive been looking for something else, but I won't take a pay cut and so far nothing else I've found pays what I make now. I enjoy the work however the management has ruined it, as they usually do. People usually don't quit work, they quit their bosses.

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