
Unfair Practices

So ever since 2019 (except 2020) I have worked every fall season at a theme park working as a scare actor in a pirate themed haunted walkthrough or zone. And I’ve loved it though it’s an exhausting thing to do. One of the biggest reasons I work there is because of my coworkers who’ve become pretty close friends. Last year when I worked at the theme park I worked Friday and Saturdays but the Fridays were very hard because I would literally get off my normal full time job at 5pm and then immediately drive an hour to the theme park. When I arrived I would practically run through the park to be able to clock in on time and then would be hurriedly going through makeup and costume when everyone else would already be leaving. It was extra hard to work Fridays so I decided this year I will…

So ever since 2019 (except 2020) I have worked every fall season at a theme park working as a scare actor in a pirate themed haunted walkthrough or zone. And I’ve loved it though it’s an exhausting thing to do. One of the biggest reasons I work there is because of my coworkers who’ve become pretty close friends.

Last year when I worked at the theme park I worked Friday and Saturdays but the Fridays were very hard because I would literally get off my normal full time job at 5pm and then immediately drive an hour to the theme park. When I arrived I would practically run through the park to be able to clock in on time and then would be hurriedly going through makeup and costume when everyone else would already be leaving. It was extra hard to work Fridays so I decided this year I will only work Saturdays

Working one day a week has never ever been a problem in the past so I felt relatively comfortable putting my availability to only Saturdays. Then I got a call saying that they are doing something new this year and because I’m only working one day a week they can’t place me in the zone. Which is total BS, historically Saturdays are the busiest days of the week and we always need more scare actors.

So basically I don’t even know if I will be able to work this season or not. They will only place me if another scare actor can’t work Saturdays but work the other days. It’s total bull. And then I was told that if they do place me than I could be placed in any of the scare zones or houses and not just the pirate one I love. There are some houses I 100% refuse to work in btw because they are miserable.

The whole reason for this change is because they hired a new person to head the whole thing who used to work at another theme park in Florida that has a popular Halloween attraction. Apparently he wanted everyone to work every day and doesn’t want people who work one day a week. He’s going to alienate lots of returning scare actors who come back every year for the fun of it.

Anyways I just wanted to rant somewhere about this because I’ve already cried and yelled about this situation. Thanks for reading.

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