
Unhinged Recruiter on LinkedIn and Hubstaff?

This will be a throwaway but, has anyone ever used the site HubStaff? I just had the most disturbing encounter on this site. I was contacted by this “recruiter” that works for Pinnacle Elite which is a known scam (the company is also in connection with “World Financial Group”). Here is the message. First off, nothing in my profile/ resume is remotely related to any financial experience which was red flag numero uno for me. Why is this man contacting me? I responded with basic links from my Google search showing the amount of times people have apparently received the same message and told I him to, “Please do not try and sell me on his weird ass MLM scam.” and I swiftly block him. Well, here is the unhinged response he managed to send me. I also found his Twitter, LinkedIn along with this strange rant on LinkedIn as…

This will be a throwaway but, has anyone ever used the site HubStaff? I just had the most disturbing encounter on this site.

I was contacted by this “recruiter” that works for Pinnacle Elite which is a known scam (the company is also in connection with “World Financial Group”). Here is the message. First off, nothing in my profile/ resume is remotely related to any financial experience which was red flag numero uno for me. Why is this man contacting me?

I responded with basic links from my Google search showing the amount of times people have apparently received the same message and told I him to, “Please do not try and sell me on his weird ass MLM scam.” and I swiftly block him. Well, here is the unhinged response he managed to send me.

I also found his Twitter, LinkedIn along with this strange rant on LinkedIn as well….???

My questions are: Has anyone heard of Hubstaff and have they been contacted by this man either there or on LinkedIn?

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