
Uni freshman not from the US terrified

Apparently every company expects you to have experience in entry level jobs, they pay bad and there is lack of respect for employees as I’ve heard most of the time, apparently my major will get automated by AI at the time I graduate (finance), this means I’m basically just hearing my seat to learn skills that won’t be useful anymore. AI is a double edged sword, it’s upside is incredible but the system makes it dangerous for any worker, I have great interest in learning about AI tech and it’s implications it can do impressive things that can help people achieve more and explore new ideas in a new fashion, from ChatGPT to the discovery of new medicine (ilumina AI) but this technology gets mitigated because thanks to this economic systems most countries share we are dependent on our incomes to survive. Regulations can protect workers right? Not really, they…

Apparently every company expects you to have experience in entry level jobs, they pay bad and there is lack of respect for employees as I’ve heard most of the time, apparently my major will get automated by AI at the time I graduate (finance), this means I’m basically just hearing my seat to learn skills that won’t be useful anymore.

AI is a double edged sword, it’s upside is incredible but the system makes it dangerous for any worker, I have great interest in learning about AI tech and it’s implications it can do impressive things that can help people achieve more and explore new ideas in a new fashion, from ChatGPT to the discovery of new medicine (ilumina AI) but this technology gets mitigated because thanks to this economic systems most countries share we are dependent on our incomes to survive.

Regulations can protect workers right?
Not really, they can try to control automation in workplaces in different businesses as to slow down firing but it wouldn’t matter new start ups that had no Human Resources in the first place will just bankrupt the company you work on out of the market it just slows down the time bomb. They can ban the technology right? They can try but this tech is way to easy to develop from a simple laptop anyone can do it, furthermore the economic advantage this tech gives will definitely be a major motivator to now mitigate the adoptions of this new tech.

Young people are now in a world where jobs pay crap, people can’t afford housing, AI automating tasks slowly but surely and almost no government is actually trying to do something to control this, even if AI takes what 30 years to automate all jobs this means several things, employers can opt to pay less for the same jobs, less hirings, stagnation of promotion, 30 years in this economy is not enough time to save up for a decent retirement. We are all in deep trouble and I’m extremely afraid on how we are going to cope in this new reality, it’s going to hit like a train and it’s so sad because the re are way to many technologies like AI which so much potential to help everyone but loosing their potential over short term profits ‍🫨

A lil bit depressing too ngl

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