
Unionization question?? URGENT

Hey guys sorry for the title but my work is having a restaurant wide meeting tonight for the next quarter of sales to talk about how we’ve been doing and new stuff we’re selling. Last time is was mostly them chewing out one group or another of workers and saying some nice stuff to balance it out. They want me to speak tonight since they view me as a leader amongst the associates. It’s been hell recently, and we’ve been getting fucked by corporate cutting hours and understaffing us. They also are going to start making us use vacation time for sick days. I was pissed they were going to make me speak, but now I want to sort of call my coworkers to unionize. My question is, is it legal for me to talk about doing so at the meeting, or is their some twisted law that makes it…

Hey guys sorry for the title but my work is having a restaurant wide meeting tonight for the next quarter of sales to talk about how we’ve been doing and new stuff we’re selling. Last time is was mostly them chewing out one group or another of workers and saying some nice stuff to balance it out. They want me to speak tonight since they view me as a leader amongst the associates. It’s been hell recently, and we’ve been getting fucked by corporate cutting hours and understaffing us. They also are going to start making us use vacation time for sick days. I was pissed they were going to make me speak, but now I want to sort of call my coworkers to unionize. My question is, is it legal for me to talk about doing so at the meeting, or is their some twisted law that makes it illegal for me to do so? Sorry for the long question. I’d appreciate advice asap since the meeting is tonight! Thanks!

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