Not the dank ones mind you.
The ones that have context in the post title in order for the image to make “sense” or to hit the right “chord”, but not show proof of context in the image itself. Typically of a piece of paper, or a text message interaction.
I'm sure all of that has happened and that all of those companies are real with real management making real rules and statures that they expected real employees to follow, but to whom nobody knows and nobody cares.
I get, and support the ideas behind the posts, and this subreddit in general. I'm just sick of the “this happened somewhere in real life” idea. Save your 8×11 sheets of paper for something more productive guys, and if it is real and you really worked there and took that photo, then I blame poor judgement on you for working there in the first place cause you shoulda seen the “signs” leading up to that new policy, right?