
Unprofessional HR guy rant

So I tore my Achilles tendon at work in September. It took until December to get an MRI for a definitive diagnosis, then surgery to repair it later that month. The surgery was a complete tendon reconstruction, and was followed by 8wks off and no wt bearing on that leg. My last shift before the surgery, the HR asshole gave me an FMLA form that I promptly forgot about because it's all workers comp. Today, 3 mo later, he tossed a form at me saying my FMLA leave for my surgery was denied because it needs a Dr certification form. I looked it over, cussed a few times, and texted the injury report # to him. He came to the desk yelling at me in front of many others that he never should have filled out the 1st form, it's up to me to fix it and wouldn't listen when…

So I tore my Achilles tendon at work in September. It took until December to get an MRI for a definitive diagnosis, then surgery to repair it later that month. The surgery was a complete tendon reconstruction, and was followed by 8wks off and no wt bearing on that leg.

My last shift before the surgery, the HR asshole gave me an FMLA form that I promptly forgot about because it's all workers comp.

Today, 3 mo later, he tossed a form at me saying my FMLA leave for my surgery was denied because it needs a Dr certification form. I looked it over, cussed a few times, and texted the injury report # to him.

He came to the desk yelling at me in front of many others that he never should have filled out the 1st form, it's up to me to fix it and wouldn't listen when I tried to tell him it's a work injury, then finally stomped away like a 2 year old saying he “can't deal with this, he has a meeting”.

I texted him to not contact me again, but to talk to my workman's comp case manager. He replied to never ask him for anything again.

I asked my wc cm for help, because she'll cut a bitch if necessary.

I'm so glad y'all are here, so I could vent. I'm in the breakroom calming down. I hate that I cry when I'm angry.

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