
UPDATE: “If you want to leave, please give us six months notice” and Im only giving one days notice now.

For the people who were asking for an update! I took a lot of your advice into consideration and did not even give a notice. I just sent an immediate resignation. I waited till my paperwork with HR was confirmed to be done at my new job before I walked out. I said goodbye to a handful of other coworkers and just went to go hang out with family. I have been taking a little vacation before I officially start on Monday. For all the people assuming I am a man, work at a fortune 500 company or in corporate… I am a female and I was working in non-profit. A very toxic npo as well. My former employer took a whole day to acknowledge my resignation and just said they were “sad to see me go” but I know I caught them off guard. They are trying to keep…

For the people who were asking for an update!

I took a lot of your advice into consideration and did not even give a notice. I just sent an immediate resignation. I waited till my paperwork with HR was confirmed to be done at my new job before I walked out. I said goodbye to a handful of other coworkers and just went to go hang out with family. I have been taking a little vacation before I officially start on Monday.

For all the people assuming I am a man, work at a fortune 500 company or in corporate… I am a female and I was working in non-profit. A very toxic npo as well.

My former employer took a whole day to acknowledge my resignation and just said they were “sad to see me go” but I know I caught them off guard. They are trying to keep it a secret at work but people notice my Slack account was disabled so I have been getting messages and phone calls from coworkers. They were all proud of me and wished they could do the same.

This caught everyone off guard. I was sitting in meetings that morning talking about the future because I wanted to make it less suspicious that I was leaving.

To all the bootlickers on my last post who wished that my job offer fell through so I could “learn a lesson” or that I'm “burning bridges”, you are actually so vile. There is no bridge I need to run back to, these are two different industries lol I worked in higher education for about 6 years before I made the transfer into nonprofit because I was passionate about the mission.

I soon found out that my CEO and management cared more about themselves and the donors than the people we served. I waltzed back into higher education and was welcomed back with a bigger pay.

I don't regret anything and I feel so alive. As Karl Marx once said, “You have nothing to lose but your chains!”

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