
UPDATE: I’m now on a PIP :)

So here is my original post. tl;Dr, my company is not providing sick time per Colorado law. I pointed this out in a meeting and suddenly I'm now on a PIP. At the same time, I'm trying to get some simple accommodations for my disability, such as…yknow… sick days. I asked for longer bathroom breaks due to GI issues that come with Ehlers Danlos, a dictation program to help with typing when my joints aren't doing well, and maybe an extra sick day per month without getting fired. Some days I just can't make it out of bed. The first two accommodations have been accepted but they are dragging their feet on the others. Recently, work has gone severely downhill. They've downsized to the point where we now have very little support in our chats from team leads and supervisors as they're having to work the phones themselves. We are…

So here is my original post.

tl;Dr, my company is not providing sick time per Colorado law. I pointed this out in a meeting and suddenly I'm now on a PIP.

At the same time, I'm trying to get some simple accommodations for my disability, such as…yknow… sick days. I asked for longer bathroom breaks due to GI issues that come with Ehlers Danlos, a dictation program to help with typing when my joints aren't doing well, and maybe an extra sick day per month without getting fired. Some days I just can't make it out of bed. The first two accommodations have been accepted but they are dragging their feet on the others.

Recently, work has gone severely downhill. They've downsized to the point where we now have very little support in our chats from team leads and supervisors as they're having to work the phones themselves. We are supposed to have a support phone line as well but I can almost never reach someone. Also literally every other department is extremely overburdened. To top it off, due to internet issues with my provider, they want me to start coming in to the office and no longer be remote.

Of course, being left on my own has forced me to wing it in some calls, and they've brought down the QA hammer hard on me. Despite stellar customer surveys and really good metrics otherwise, they want me to resign or go on a PIP plan. Of course I won't resign. They'll have to fire me. And now they have documentation that I am a disabled worker. My only issue is that every modern workplace requires an arbitration agreement, so I'm not sure how suing would work in that case.

Regardless, I'm gathering receipts and preparing myself for the axe to fall. And this weekend, the colorado COL is getting an anonymous tip.

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