
Update: My boss is having me write an essay with details of my minute-by-minute workday to prove I’m working hard.

Here is the original post. Many people asked me if I could give an update on this situation at work. The essay, which turned out to be 8 pages long, did not help me at all. If anything, it ignited a fire of retaliation on his end (which was my full intention). My boss, being the narcissist that he is, came to the conclusion that although I provided all the deliverables and met all the expectations we set out… I am just not “living up to his standards” and he would like to conduct a performance review with me. He will also be having me do a performance improvement plan. I questioned him heavily in our last meeting about the necessity of a performance review if I am performing to the expectations set out. He tried to claim that there was something serious that needs to be addressed and he…

Here is the original post.

Many people asked me if I could give an update on this situation at work. The essay, which turned out to be 8 pages long, did not help me at all. If anything, it ignited a fire of retaliation on his end (which was my full intention).

My boss, being the narcissist that he is, came to the conclusion that although I provided all the deliverables and met all the expectations we set out… I am just not “living up to his standards” and he would like to conduct a performance review with me. He will also be having me do a performance improvement plan.

I questioned him heavily in our last meeting about the necessity of a performance review if I am performing to the expectations set out. He tried to claim that there was something serious that needs to be addressed and he needs HR and the Executive Director involved. He tried to say he was going to be giving me “constructive criticism” but his constructive criticism consists of creating elaborate lies about my work ethic. He tries to cover up his mistakes, terrible memory, and lack of organization by blaming his staff.

In my last performance review, he told HR and the ED that I never finish my work and that I make mistakes… that was the first time I had ever heard about that. Our project management system captures everything and it shows that I am on track, no late tasks, and complete all work given to me.

I will be quitting before he tries to conduct this performance review. I have been interviewing at other places with better pay and benefits.

My entire organization is falling apart and four people have quit within a month (we are a staff of less than 40). I am jumping ship at the perfect moment!

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