The douche has finally quit a couple days ago! The higher ups apparently investigated the tips theft and did not find anything at first but promised to look again. After they had taken a second look, they unintentionally found out that the guy was fucking up inventory counts, and intentionally giving away a bunch of free drinks and food, mainly as favors to people he knows (they told all of this information to us). The theft added up to a couple thousand dollars. Along with this, the higher ups also became more suspicious of the tips theft. Upon going to my next shift, my coworkers told me he had quit on the spot, leaving one of my other coworkers to cover the shift. His asshole brother had also quit before him, so the nightmare is pretty much over (they were both working at my job). These people threatened to cuss me out over a joke, made me have a meltdown on the job and did not even apologize, and have given out free shit without necessity to people they knew or were buddy-buddy with, coupled with the fact that they were STEALING OUR (the workers) FUCKING MONEY, which was the cherry on top of the shit cake that Dumb and Dumber had made. So glad that they're finally gone, plus now there's absolutely no store manager until the next guy they've got lined up is trained and starts the job.