
Update: Time to Move on?

EDIT: I’m sorry about the typos y’all. My brain is in a thousand places. So looking at my time sheet I wondered how could I look back on my time to make sure I submitted my hours properly (Like on what day did I submit this?) Because looking back on my time sheet, I always come up short because I forget to put in my time before the closing date… I will own up to that. This is mainly because I'm not used to this at all. All previous jobs, I just punch in and punch out and leave it be. Not only that, but apparently payroll has made a few mistakes, so I get pretty paranoid and automatically irked when I see a check short. This time, when I see it's short again, I think maybe I just didn't submit my time right like last time. Not only that…

EDIT: I’m sorry about the typos y’all. My brain is in a thousand places.

So looking at my time sheet I wondered how could I look back on my time to make sure I submitted my hours properly (Like on what day did I submit this?) Because looking back on my time sheet, I always come up short because I forget to put in my time before the closing date… I will own up to that. This is mainly because I'm not used to this at all. All previous jobs, I just punch in and punch out and leave it be. Not only that, but apparently payroll has made a few mistakes, so I get pretty paranoid and automatically irked when I see a check short.
This time, when I see it's short again, I think maybe I just didn't submit my time right like last time. Not only that but I didn't see any COVID pay either, though that's not on me or my boss… but HR & payroll as they didn't keep in contact and more than likely just forgot or ignored us.
While looking at my time sheet, it clicks in my head, “is there a way to make sure I do this properly other than just pre-setting my time sheet.”
So I call my boss, and she's huffing and puffing like she's been running. Note this, it's the weekend, I have no idea what she's doing, so I ask “are you busy.” She says she's a bit busy, but she asks me what's going on. I pretty much ask, “I was wondering if there was a way I could see when I submitted my time as to be more accountable.”
No lie… she came off annoyed and asked me, “Could this have until tomorrow?” and she also told me. “You have pretty much called me every weekend since you started working here.” more than likely those calls would have been about time reporting, if so. So I apologize to her and admitted “I had no idea it was every weekend”, didn't give her any attitude, and told her it could wait until tomorrow.

What was my error in this? And considering the last post I made… should I move on from this job?

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