
UPDATE!! (to that one ‘i don’t want to work’ post)

hi everyone! been a minute since my last post. it blew up really unexpectedly and i got a lot of hate, but SO MUCH MORE SUPPORT so i wanna say thanks to everyone! so here's the update. i quit the store! a bunch of stuff led up to it but the main thing was getting cursed at by a higher up that made me go “yeah, fuck this.” i was really nervous so i texted my partner and he basically reinforced what you guys were telling me on my OG post, which was GTFO! so i did! i was really nervous walking out and i got asked where i was going but i just kept walking first time quitting like that but it was worth it! so yeah, that's it! i'm gonna be pretty broke for a sec but my partner agreed to support me financially so i could get…

hi everyone! been a minute since my last post. it blew up really unexpectedly and i got a lot of hate, but SO MUCH MORE SUPPORT so i wanna say thanks to everyone!

so here's the update. i quit the store! a bunch of stuff led up to it but the main thing was getting cursed at by a higher up that made me go “yeah, fuck this.”

i was really nervous so i texted my partner and he basically reinforced what you guys were telling me on my OG post, which was GTFO! so i did! i was really nervous walking out and i got asked where i was going but i just kept walking first time quitting like that but it was worth it!

so yeah, that's it! i'm gonna be pretty broke for a sec but my partner agreed to support me financially so i could get a break. he saw that i was getting really burnt out and was having autistic meltdowns like every day. i wish i could show you guys what my face and legs look like rn, i was picking soo badly because of the daily stress from this stupid ass store, and the already built up burn out from my last job.

i appreciate everyone who gave me advice! i am gonna take a data entry course at the local community college in the mean time, and i'm looking for a chair building class. as i mentioned in the comments of my last post, i'm really interested in designing and building furniture. i'm gonna do my best to not focus on monetizing it (it would be nice to sell some finished pieces tho haha) and focus more on the creation itself. i wanna pursue things i actually enjoy, like you guys told me!

in terms of finding a job, i'm already doing interviews and all that. this time around, however, it's not about just getting a place to hire me. it's about finding something worthwhile. something that doesn't make me wanna tear my skin off. some may call that unrealistic, but i argue what's more unrealistic is expecting someone (especially a young autistic person) to just be miserable because “i'm young and i should do it now.”
like yeah, obviously i should build a foundation for myself now, but i'm not gonna be feeling like i'm 40 already no thanks.

i'm excited to go back to school! and i'm excited to learn a new skill. also, i'm gonna fix up a bike i bought and look into rock climbing as well. i went to the gym today and i'm going again after i take my partner to work! i'm so excited and happy to have the privilege to take a much needed break! i'm very grateful for all the support and i encourage everyone who sees this to listen to your body! listen to your heart! these companies hold healthcare, housing, and basic survival over our heads to keep us employed. if you have the privilege as i do to take a break, do it. being broke sucks and it obviously isn't good for long-term, but even two weeks to focus on yourself will be life changing!

fuck that job! use your pto! fake sick! get a new job and waste their time under those 90 days! fuck it! none of this is worth your sanity, i promise.

and before the comments flood in, i'm really sorry if you are exhausted from work and can't take a break. i'm sorry to all the parents, to the single people who can't afford to live alone, to the people with 5 roommates, everyone who doesn't have the PRIVILEGE to do what i have just done. i feel for you and i really hope things get better ️

thank you again everyone!

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