
Uploading a pic of yourself on teams profile?

So I work in a small parts warehouse in large network of warehouses across the US. The warehouse itself is very small- just a 2 person operation (myself and my more senior coworker of the same job title/rank). Our boss works out of state so we have no direct management in house and thus, we use Teams to communicate with him. Though, we very very rarely have to contact him, and only even really need Teams once every few weeks at all. Anyway, an order came down from the Big Big Boss (our bosses boss), saying everyone needs to upload a picture of themselves for their Teams profile photo. He claims it’s so he can put names to faces, but this is a man I have literally never met, not has my coworker who has worked here for over 10 years. We don’t communicate with him at all. I will…

So I work in a small parts warehouse in large network of warehouses across the US. The warehouse itself is very small- just a 2 person operation (myself and my more senior coworker of the same job title/rank). Our boss works out of state so we have no direct management in house and thus, we use Teams to communicate with him. Though, we very very rarely have to contact him, and only even really need Teams once every few weeks at all. Anyway, an order came down from the Big Big Boss (our bosses boss), saying everyone needs to upload a picture of themselves for their Teams profile photo. He claims it’s so he can put names to faces, but this is a man I have literally never met, not has my coworker who has worked here for over 10 years. We don’t communicate with him at all.
I will admit that I don’t think it’s an unreasonable request. However, I really am not comfortable with it and really don’t want to. I can’t really explain why either? It makes me really irritated that he’s making such a demand, no matter if it’s reasonable or not. I don’t get paid to upload a photo and do whatever silly dance the Big Big Boss wants, I get paid to ship out parts. This is the second request recently that’s really made me cranky- the first being the demand we start dressing professionally and wearing the company shirt. It’s not a customer facing job, we literally have no guests or visitors ever, and we’re moving around heavy boxes of bulk parts all day and doing physical labor. When they hired me, part of the main draw of the job was that I wouldn’t have to wear a uniform. I’m getting worried that these requests are going to keep building up and escalating until the very relaxed nature of the job, which is exactly why I took the job in the first place, is being changed into something I don’t want to do.

I’m very lucky to have such a relaxed job and I feel a bit weird for complaining about these otherwise innocuous changes. It doesn’t pay very well, so if the work environment itself changes then I have difficulty seeing a reason to even keep this job at all.

What are y’alls thoughts on this? Should I just say I’m not comfortable with it? Bite my tongue and just do it for the sake of keeping the Big Big Boss happy? Any other options or ideas? How would you feel about this?

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