
USA Capitalism is inhumane.

I had to undergo total hip replacement years ago at a young age, the result of repetitive injuries sustained doing martial arts and a lot of motorcycle FAFO antics. I regret nothing. Punk rock, biotches. Last week, I had my 5th orthopedic surgery on this same leg due to stress fractures occurring where the femoral implant stem terminates; it involved cadaveric bone splinting on the femur, to strengthen the bone. Basically I was flayed open, with a 12″ incision in my thigh. I took a week off from my desk job to heal using short-term disability, but need to return to work Monday to meet group project schedule deadlines. I dread the hospital bills even after insurance. I'm going to work high on painkillers. Fuck 'em. I'll get the work done, but at the moment, sitting is absolute agony. My car has a manual transmission, and as luck would have…

I had to undergo total hip replacement years ago at a young age, the result of repetitive injuries sustained doing martial arts and a lot of motorcycle FAFO antics. I regret nothing. Punk rock, biotches.

Last week, I had my 5th orthopedic surgery on this same leg due to stress fractures occurring where the femoral implant stem terminates; it involved cadaveric bone splinting on the femur, to strengthen the bone. Basically I was flayed open, with a 12″ incision in my thigh. I took a week off from my desk job to heal using short-term disability, but need to return to work Monday to meet group project schedule deadlines. I dread the hospital bills even after insurance. I'm going to work high on painkillers. Fuck 'em.

I'll get the work done, but at the moment, sitting is absolute agony. My car has a manual transmission, and as luck would have it, it was my left leg that was affected. So, my physical therapy this weekend has been DIY, focused upon driving practice so as to be able to do the commute. Sick.

This is so stuffed that I need to do this. I'm 61 years old, and while otherwise in excellent physical shape, I'm not willing to play this game any longer. I need to focus on living with whatever life I have left, I don't want to die at my desk, and am resigning (not retiring, what the f is that anyway?) from work at the end of September, once these projects are completed.

Fortunately, my children's college tuition is fully funded, so I can henceforth basically live in a discarded refrigerator box by the river for all I care. Hell, I would consider making a duplex by putting a dishwasher box on top of that, but I'd probably be killed on the taxes if I did.

Bottom line: Demand more. Demand humanity. We don't exist for the sole purpose of increasing shareholder equity. Fuck the system. Take this from a 61 year old Mom.

Thanks for reading this rant.

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