
Very Disheartening

A former coworker of mine, who was my supervisor when I started at my hospital job 20 years ago, was recently let go. She had moved into another position where she had to work with insurance companies to get referrals for a specific test related to our field. Someone was mad she was still being paid for her clinical position (same as mine) even though she was not working in that position, disregarding the fact that her clinical experience was how she was able to explain and get referrals/reimbursement from insurance companies. So, then they decided to move this specific referral job to some main referral center in the system. With no warning, no severance, nothing, they let her go. She'd been with the system for THIRTY years! She's working now because her former boss (not the one who made decision to let her go, but her direct boss) felt…

A former coworker of mine, who was my supervisor when I started at my hospital job 20 years ago, was recently let go. She had moved into another position where she had to work with insurance companies to get referrals for a specific test related to our field. Someone was mad she was still being paid for her clinical position (same as mine) even though she was not working in that position, disregarding the fact that her clinical experience was how she was able to explain and get referrals/reimbursement from insurance companies. So, then they decided to move this specific referral job to some main referral center in the system. With no warning, no severance, nothing, they let her go. She'd been with the system for THIRTY years! She's working now because her former boss (not the one who made decision to let her go, but her direct boss) felt bad for her and hired her in the only position he had open. It pays half what she was earning.

The kicker is, a VP called her to help out the main referral desk because they were having issues. She said no, that's not my job anymore.

As someone a few years younger, and with 20 years in this system (37 in the field) it makes me worry I could be let go for anything at any time. I carry the insurance and my husband has health issues.

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