
Very small office and I feel self conscious about having no work?

I use to go into the office one day a week but now my boss has asked me to come in 3 days a week. I’m not sure why because I get all the work done within a day. My boss doesn’t even come in when I’m in, he just comes in once a week and hates coming into the office himself. The office is very stressful because it is too small, some days I don’t have a place to sit and the rest of the time it’s just so crowded, everyone bumps into each other, you can’t have a conversation without the whole room knowing. I’m super self conscious because the company I work for is very small, I’m the only employee but we’ve merged with another company and they are much bigger (people wise) and busier. Meaning I’ll have hours during the day where I don’t have anything…

I use to go into the office one day a week but now my boss has asked me to come in 3 days a week. I’m not sure why because I get all the work done within a day. My boss doesn’t even come in when I’m in, he just comes in once a week and hates coming into the office himself.

The office is very stressful because it is too small, some days I don’t have a place to sit and the rest of the time it’s just so crowded, everyone bumps into each other, you can’t have a conversation without the whole room knowing. I’m super self conscious because the company I work for is very small, I’m the only employee but we’ve merged with another company and they are much bigger (people wise) and busier. Meaning I’ll have hours during the day where I don’t have anything to do, but the office is so small people can see my computer screen so I feel very self conscious I just kind of have to click about.

I’m also super quiet, I find it really hard to talk especially when the other people are talking about things I can’t join in on because they’re a whole other business. It’s also all men, I’m usually the only woman in the room. The other day one of the men made a kind of sexist joke (not towards me but with the other guys) and they all laughed. I’m just really starting to hate the office. I don’t mind the work and the people ARE nice, it’s just quite stressful.

Not sure what to do, I don’t even know why my boss wants me in more because I’m getting all the work done efficiently, I don’t have much to do, and he’s also never in so even though I’m suppose to be shadowing him sometimes, he’s not even in so I can’t. Btw, I’m 22 and this is my first office job.

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