
video interview from Hell.

I broke my legs at work 3 yrs ago. L&I “took care of me” but not really. Ive managed to scrape by, & now I need a job, again. My job I was injured at fired me before I even got back. And the union was zero help. Job search, at my age is so hard! I'm 61. But I finally found a place & went in, talked to the manager of the dept I wanted to be placed in. She told me to go online, apply, & asked for my # & name so she could pull my resume/application once I got through the screening process. Well, I went online, filled out the application & in 2 hours I got a congratulatory email telling me I made it to the next step: The Interview. It gave me the link, & low & behold, it's a mandatory video interview. No…

I broke my legs at work 3 yrs ago. L&I “took care of me” but not really. Ive managed to scrape by, & now I need a job, again. My job I was injured at fired me before I even got back. And the union was zero help.
Job search, at my age is so hard! I'm 61. But I finally found a place & went in, talked to the manager of the dept I wanted to be placed in. She told me to go online, apply, & asked for my # & name so she could pull my resume/application once I got through the screening process.
Well, I went online, filled out the application & in 2 hours I got a congratulatory email telling me I made it to the next step: The Interview. It gave me the link, & low & behold, it's a mandatory video interview. No personal interaction, just a video of a person reading questions & I had to video my answers.
Today I got the, “sorry but you don't get to go to phase 3.”
When I've had p2p interviews, the interviewer has always told me I do a fantastic interview. I was so stoked! And then I crashed & burned, hard! Seeing myself, hearing myself, having a 2 minute timed answer…it was awful!
I've no idea what I should've done or said or not done or said; there was zero feedback.
Is this the new age of interviewing now? Is this what I have to look forward to, because if so, I'm fucked!

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