
Wait one f#ckin’, cotton-pickin’ minute!!!

So, kids shouldn’t know about sex-ed, ever learn about anything that would be considered LGBTQ+, and definitely not decide if they want gender affirming care or be given access to it. They can’t choose to medically necessary treatments for themselves, even with life threatening conditions without parental consent. They definitely can’t get abortions, nor can they purchase any contraceptives over the counter. They are far too precious to learn about race relations throughout US history, or see how different minority were affected by American politics on a social and institutional level. Nor have the privileges of free lunches in school. Yet, in places like Arkansas (Gov. Sarah Huckabee and its Republican legislators), it’s allowed for employers and companies not to verify the ages of their employees and not need parental consent to work. I know that people will say politicians and political parties don’t work in the interests of people.…

So, kids shouldn’t know about sex-ed, ever learn about anything that would be considered LGBTQ+, and definitely not decide if they want gender affirming care or be given access to it.

They can’t choose to medically necessary treatments for themselves, even with life threatening conditions without parental consent. They definitely can’t get abortions, nor can they purchase any contraceptives over the counter. They are far too precious to learn about race relations throughout US history, or see how different minority were affected by American politics on a social and institutional level. Nor have the privileges of free lunches in school.

Yet, in places like Arkansas (Gov. Sarah Huckabee and its Republican legislators), it’s allowed for employers and companies not to verify the ages of their employees and not need parental consent to work.

I know that people will say politicians and political parties don’t work in the interests of people. I’d actually agree moderately, but still…why the hell would I vote for a Republican. A party that has shown itself to be an openly antagonist to labor rights across the board. And, I’m not even including all the sexism, racism, and the phobias – xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, etc.

I in good conscience could never support anything these people lobby for or be comfortable with any of their public policies. They’re also the party trying to raise the social security age and reduce the benefits. I honestly can’t see how the average person continues to breathe red, all day and night.

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