I work for a logistics moving company where we deliver portable storage units to customers. I like my job, and I was even paid for to get my a.z license. Almost one year ago, I was in a very bad multiple vehicle accident on a highway and needed 8 months off. I worked very hard in my rehabilitation to get back to this level of manual labor and I was so excited to get back to work. There are warehouse (forklift) duties on top of deliveries, so I wanted to make sure my body could handle it.
While I was gone, the district manager had to hire someone just in case I wasn't coming back in time for summer busy season. The person they hired works at my warehouse and from the get go they were a problem. Not finishing delivery routes which leaves other drivers to put it on their routes the next day to do (on top of their own routes), does not listen to anyones directions, talks about other drivers to the center staff, yells at customers, does not do warehouse work, did damage to buildings with the truck, etc. We have all tried to ask if this person needs more training, if they have questions, needs help, or anything to help during the first 3 months. Every time they reply with “I know what I'm doing.” Last week after I had to do another 9 hour route in a 10 hour day to clean up their deliveries I got back to the warehouse and lost my mind. I have brought all this up to the district managers attention for 2.5 months now and nothing has changed even with the manager promising me “we will deal with it.” And privately told to “keep these issues to myself because I'm sounding like a complainer.”
The day after I lost my mind on this worker, I lost it on the manager. Now, I do not have many grievances and I go with the flow. Work is just work, it is not my life. I now do not want to go to work when I know I have to work twice as hard to make up the deliveries and pick ups. I am burnt out and fed up. I was told that they will fire this worker but they don't have enough to do so yet. D.M told me to wait until the end of this month.
I will wait until September 7th to see if they actually fire this worker and if not I will quietly put my 2 weeks notice on D.Ms desk, ask for my vacation time and leave. If they want to keep me they will fire this person. If not, they will keep lying to me just to try to keep me. Which is a company I do not want to work for. As they say, we don't quit bad jobs we quit bad managers.