
Walking out of my dream job

I grew up in a single parent home. Money was always tight, and when my dad did come around, there were always fights about financial problems. A latchkey kid from the jump. I spent many moments as a child being fed advice on “how to hit it big” from people around me who had never come close. By the time I graduated high school, I had all the ambition in the world but none of the resources. I began to dream about the “six-figure income” because I knew I wanted to build a different life for me and my future family. It took joining the military, a combat tour, dropping out of college a couple times before finishing, working my ass off once I got in the workforce, but finally, this January I started a job making six figures in a field that I absolutely love and at the highest…

I grew up in a single parent home. Money was always tight, and when my dad did come around, there were always fights about financial problems. A latchkey kid from the jump. I spent many moments as a child being fed advice on “how to hit it big” from people around me who had never come close. By the time I graduated high school, I had all the ambition in the world but none of the resources. I began to dream about the “six-figure income” because I knew I wanted to build a different life for me and my future family. It took joining the military, a combat tour, dropping out of college a couple times before finishing, working my ass off once I got in the workforce, but finally, this January I started a job making six figures in a field that I absolutely love and at the highest level I could ever imagine working. In March, I attended a department pep rally where we had a guest speaker talk about their triumphs and attempt to motivate us. It did motivate me. I walked out. Why? Because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Or to put differently, I didn’t want my child to grow up in a single parent home.

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