
Walmart management

10 minutes ago I was sitting in the walmart bathroom (I'm an associate and take breaks in there sometimes) and someone literally pushed the door open lightly. They gave it a small push with their one hand and it opened up. Obviously they apologized and closed it but they couldnt relatch it so I got up and closed it fully. Regardless I just got out of a conversation with one of the higher managers in the store (2 levels above me technically). I go into the conversation, understanding but firm, saying “Hey I was just in the bathroom by the front in the handicap stall, when someone pushed their way in.” When I tell you they literally said “Okay” in the most nonchalant way I mean it. I'm a bit confused so I ask what they mean. And they simply say okay again?? I ask them what they are going…

10 minutes ago I was sitting in the walmart bathroom (I'm an associate and take breaks in there sometimes) and someone literally pushed the door open lightly. They gave it a small push with their one hand and it opened up. Obviously they apologized and closed it but they couldnt relatch it so I got up and closed it fully. Regardless I just got out of a conversation with one of the higher managers in the store (2 levels above me technically). I go into the conversation, understanding but firm, saying “Hey I was just in the bathroom by the front in the handicap stall, when someone pushed their way in.”

When I tell you they literally said “Okay” in the most nonchalant way I mean it. I'm a bit confused so I ask what they mean. And they simply say okay again??

I ask them what they are going to do about the pretty serious issue and they just say I'll submit a ticket

Is there anything I can do to progress? This door has been “Fixed” 4 times this and last year

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